
Handheld lasercut version

Welcome to our latest blog post where we dive into the recent advancements in our plastic scanner technology. From hardware upgrades to software improvements and exciting future prospects, we have a lot to share with you.

Hardware Upgrades:
In our previous update video, we introduced a prototype of our handheld plastic scanner. Since then, we’ve made significant improvements, including a new resin print housing that enhances both functionality and aesthetics. This sleek design makes the scanner a pleasure to work with!

Continuous Scanning Mode and Integrated Workflow:
One of the most notable updates is the introduction of a continuous scanning mode, simplifying the scanning process and making it more user-friendly. Additionally, we’ve developed a streamlined workflow within the device itself. This firmware allows users to scan known samples of plastic, upload and train a model on a computer, and then apply that trained model directly to the plastic scanner – all within one integrated system. This update is a significant step forward in making plastic scanning more accessible and efficient.

Cross-Device Machine Learning:
Another major milestone is our success in building a machine learning model on one device and using it on another. This cross-device compatibility eliminates the need to train individual devices with their own models, making the process more efficient and scalable.

Future Explorations:
With the success of our handheld scanner for laser cutting environments, we’re eager to explore new areas. High on our list is the identification of plastics used in 3D printing. We’ve applied for funding to focus on this area, aiming to expand the capabilities of our scanner to include a wider range of plastic types.

Community Updates:
We’re excited to share updates from our community members. Kyle, from Australia, is working on a second prototype of his scanner, which will be shipped to the Netherlands for testing and documentation. Additionally, Sean, a software developer from the US, has contributed to improving the PSplot software, making it easier for others to use.

Focus on Documentation:
In the coming months, we’ll be focusing on revamping our documentation to make it as accessible as possible. Our goal is to provide comprehensive information on how to replicate the plastic scanner, with a focus on the laser cutting environment initially, but with plans to expand to other areas in the future.

These updates represent significant progress in our plastic scanner project. We’re grateful for your support and excited to continue sharing our journey with you. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of this exciting project!

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